Saturday, September 24, 2011

What's in a name?

When we found out that our second daughter and her husband were expecting their first child about 3 years ago, among the many questions that we thought of was "What will the baby call us?" My first thought was "Grandma" of course.  I was going to be a grandmother, so isn't that what I should  be called?  I was surprised to hear that people of my generation don't want to be referred to as "Grandma" or "Grandpa".  Why, I asked?  Is it that it makes you sound older than you feel or want to be?  My children referred to my parents as Grandma and Grandpa.  My in-laws were known as Nanny and Grandad.  These titles were pre-established by earlier grandchildren and we just kept with them.  My Englishman wanted to keep the tradition and be called Grandad.  Grandma didn't quite go with it, but my mother wisely pointed out that grandchildren themselves sometimes come up with the perfect solution.  And that is precisely what happened.  M decided to call me Grandmom. How clever!  It works perfectly with Grandad.  My heart does a leap every time I approach my daughter's house and hear "Grandmom, Grandmom" as M rushes to the door.  There is not a sweeter sound on earth at the moment.

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