Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This afternoon was spent running some errands. Upon my return home, I crossed the threshold and my senses took in the most wonderful aroma.  Ah, the Englishman is getting an early start on dinner I thought. Sure enough, as I walked into the kitchen, there he was putting the finishing touches on a Shepherd's pie.

Not familiar with Shepherd's pie, also known as Cottage pie?  It is a tummy satisfying, comfy type of meal generally made with the leftovers from Sunday dinner.  It is traditionally a combination of roasted meat, vegetables such as carrots and peas, and then topped with mashed potatoes.  I'm sure there are as many variations of this pie as there are English cooks.  In our house, the Englishman uses ground beef, frozen vegetables, large chunks of onion, and the requisite mashed potatoes.

The first time my mother-in-law cooked for us while visiting, many years ago, she made Shepherd's pie.  We didn't let Mum cook often during her visits, wanting to wait on her and let her have a vacation. But she was in her element that day. "Do you have any spuds?" she inquired.  I think by then I had caught on to some of the British lingo and deduced she wanted some potatoes.  Mum busied herself peeling, chopping, and mashing.  This was the first time I had Shepherd's pie and found it tasted quite delicious.  Actually, what I remember most from that meal was the look of pride and joy on her face as she puttered around the kitchen cooking and tidying up.  It's one of those fond memories of her that I keep tucked away in my heart.

Despite being busy making supper, the Englishman had a nice mug of tea waiting for me, as he does nearly every day around 3pm. Perfect way to relax after being out and about.

Kate Middleton isn't the only one married to a Prince!

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