Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This and that....

Truth be told, I couldn't find a specific topic that I wanted to talk about tonight.  So I thought I would do a little mental "dump" in hopes of clearing my head.  And as a possible bonus of that, sleep straight through the night without getting up and spending an hour in the kitchen on my ipad.

A neighbor stopped to briefly chat this morning as I was cutting the branches of a bush at the corner of our property. She commented that the house was looking really good.  My response?  For everything I get done there are ten more waiting.  It never ends.

No it doesn't.  But that's life.  When I was young I used to think that if you worked really hard, nonstop, you would eventually get is all done.  And then you could sit down and rest for two whole days.  And not worry about anything or feel compelled to jump up and attend to one more thing.

Reality is there will always be something waiting to be done.  If I look at these things as opportunities instead of chores, then they don't seem so bad.  Slowly but surely I am getting to a lot of things I want to do. I just would like to do it all at once!

Dudley is slowly on the mend.  The Englishman was up for a couple of hours during the night with him because the poor guy was moaning and crying.  Dudley.  Not the Englishman.

We were quite anxious by late this afternoon that Duds hadn't had any water since yesterday.  Dudley has Addison's disease, which is a life threatening illness for him, so we have to be especially careful whenever he has a problem or change of routine. Thankfully, he did eat a little dinner and followed that with a short drink of water.  Panic over.

With our youngest daughter getting married in June, there is much to be done.  I reviewed with the Englishman today that all the "big" stuff seems to be booked and organized.  Now it is the little stuff that is starting to fill me with bits of "oh know", as granddaughter M likes to say.  It is probably time for me to start making lists and crossing things off as I get to them.  I must admit I sometimes write down extra items already accomplished for the sheer pleasure of crossing them out with a red pen.  Seriously.

That's it for now. Dishes done, dogs sleeping, and new magazines to flip through are piled next to my chair in the living room, where I think I will join the Englishman for an evening of quiet and relaxation. 

As the sign in my kitchen says, "It's All Good"

It truly is.

1 comment:

  1. I totally put stuff on my to-do list that I have already done! I feel like it motivates me to do the others
