Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Creatures great and small....

As the Englishman and I perused the aisles of Lowes yesterday, I came upon this little contraption below.  The color was the first thing which caught my eye.  Upon closer inspection, I realized it was a feeding station for squirrels.  

Ah, the squirrels.  Their population has grown to three in our back garden and they are constantly draining the bird feeder.  Given that, I asked the Englishman if he thought this little chair might be a workable distraction.  He felt it would at least be entertaining, if nothing else.
So good.  A couple of the squirrels are in fact using it, but that hasn't stopped them also hanging upside down on the feeder, gobbling up more seed.  Oh well.  The war goes on.

Truth is, I have a soft spot for all the little animals in the yard.  Some days I fill the feeder twice and try to make sure there is fresh water in the bird bath.  Last week's heat wave was a tough go for many of them.  Not only did the birds actually splash around in the bath to cool off, but I noticed the squirrels dunking their heads in, with hopes of finding some relief.  The Englishman and I, and Little Miss, get such pleasure out of watching all the activity.  Looking after them a bit is the least I can do in return.

While the honeymooners are away relaxing, I agreed to watch their parakeet, Simon.  He's quite an interesting bird.  He has a rather large vocabulary.  I don't always understand him, but the rest of the family seems to be able to make out what he is saying.  Including a few expletives he has picked up!

After dinner, I went and refreshed his water and shifted the seed around in his food dish. As I started to leave, he called out quite clearly, "Thank you."  I swear.  What was also funny, was that without hesitation I responded, "You're welcome, Simon. Have a good night."

I'm pleased to see that good manners in my family extend even to the pets.

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