Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tip for a Tuesday....

Buy one of these:

It's the Black and Decker Electromate 400.

This past Saturday found daughter #1 and I out and about for some shopping.  After numerous stops, at several stores, we were wrapping up our little marathon with a quick stop at Subway.  Should we walk across the parking lot?  Why, no, not in this heat and humidity.  Let's "motor" over in the Mini Cooper.

Easily pulled into a spot in front of the shop marked for "Subway Customers".  Since I was going to be eating when I got home, only daughter #1 need to go in.  She questioned me as she left, "are you sure you don't want to come in?"  Nope.  I'll be fine in the car.

Good heavens - the inside temperature of a car can skyrocket within seconds I've discovered. The remedy?  Why, turn the ignition one turn.  Don't want to spew out fumes, just turn that ac back on!!

Didn't take long to notice the ac wasn't exactly cranking out the icicles, so I turned the key back and tried to start the car up properly.  Notice the word "tried"....

Click. Click. Click.

Oh no, I"ve killed it!

(The same reaction Charlie Brown had when he hung a lone red ornament on that tiny Christmas tree.)

Thank goodness for daughters.  Calm ones.  Ones who paid attention way back in the day when the mother used to be the calm one.  Ones who immediately take control.  Who know the right thing to say.  And not to say. :)

A phone call to the Englishman was made.  Directions given to our location.  Repeated reassurances that no, I had not caused the problem.  Things could be a lot worse.  It will be fine. The car will be fine.  We will be fine.
Etc., etc., etc.

I think I did embarrass her a bit when I stood on a curb and flagged down my knight in shining armor, arriving in "Big Red", our Chevy truck.  The Englishman pulled alongside my car, descended from the cab and quickly pulled from the rear seat the fabulous machine you see pictured above.

Within minutes, he and daughter #1 had popped the bonnet, secured the clips on the battery and Bob's your uncle, we had power!

So, long story short, I highly recommend you pick up the Black and Decker Electromate 400.  
It stores easily in your garage or car trunk (boot).
It can restart your car battery or charge it up.
The Englishman tells me that in case of a power outage, you could use it to power a lamp or charge your cell phone.  Isn't that good to know - in an emergency having cell phone access is essential!

No, I don't work for Black and Decker and am not being paid to plug their product.  Just wanted to pass along the info in hopes it will help someone.  It certainly did the trick for us.  As I found out, battery failure can happen anytime, anywhere.  And rescuing Englishman in red Chevy trucks are an endangered species.  Good to have a back up plan.

PS  Mini Cooper did need a new battery.  It really wasn't my fault after all.  Phew! Good to know.  One less thing to feel guilty about.....

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