Friday, October 12, 2012

Thursday's Thought for the Day....(posted Friday)

"Exercise to stimulate, not to annihilate. The world wasn't formed in a day, and neither were we. Set small goals and build upon them."                                          Lee Haney  - Body Builder (courtesy of BrainyQuotes)

Daughter #2 is beginning a "Fitness Friday" link up on her blog, Mommy Musings.  I've decided it would be a good idea for me to join in.  Since the bout of pneumonia I dealt with in early July, I've fallen far off the wagon as far as exercise and good health.  The steroids necessary to calm my lungs have unfortunately created havoc with my weight, and the doctor wants me to lower both the number on the scale and my cholesterol levels. 

One of the requirements for participating in my daughter's program is writing a blog post about fitness, hence the choice of quote above.  Of the numerous quotes I scanned through, this one seemed the most appropriate for where I am at the moment. I've decided it is best to first, make a start, then, set small goals as suggested. I know myself - too many or lofty goals will only discourage me and I will give up before I've begun.  

So I will begin with this post. Tomorrow, the plan is to purchase a pedometer.  I've already tried to increase the number of steps I take each day - parking farther away from shops, walking into town rather than taking the car, walking up and down every aisle in the store, etc.  My hope is that seeing the actual number of steps on a tiny device will spur me on to daily increase my number.

Fingers crossed...... 


"Click" on this button to join in the fun!

1 comment:

  1. I used to have a pedometer and it really did help me walk more! I wanted to beat each days total. Thanks so much for linking up!!
