Monday, November 12, 2012

A Monday memory....


There is no sound more glorious than that of children giggling.  One can't help but be caught up in the pure joy that emanates from their souls.

The Englishman recently showed me a montage of video clips of our girls when they were quite young.  What struck me the most, was that in every single instance, they were all grinning and giggling.

What a gift!

To be able to go back and peek once again at those moments.  
Those precious, precious moments, when they were completely themselves and filled with laughter.

And then yesterday, to sit Miss M in front of my computer and watch her face light up as she watched her "Mommy" and "Aunts".  To see her get caught up in their joy and to giggle aloud with them.

One particular clip captured our girls in their Grandma's kitchen, one Halloween night, bobbing for apples.  M sat enraptured,  then started cheering them on, shouting "You almost got it" and "Try again", with fits of giggles as she watched.

Then we went outside and created our own memories, just us two.
Hope this makes your day just a little bit better.
It most certainly made mine!

(fingers crossed it works - this is my first time posting a video!)