Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tip for a Tuesday....

Makin a list and checkin it twice....
(Be honest. Bet you found yourself singing along when you read that just now.)

Trying to stay organized and on top of my household is becoming more challenging the older I get.  I often begin the week with good intentions of getting to all the mundane chores such as dusting, vacuuming, laundry and such.  Then life happens and I am easily distracted, often feeling, come Friday, that I've accomplished nothing at all.

Solution?  A list of daily tasks.

Where to begin, though, I've asked myself lately.  

A few years ago I cam upon Brocante Home and Alison's "Vintage Housekeeper."  She has wonderful downloads and suggestions, many of which I have purchased and followed, such as The Art of Homemaking, The Seasonal Scrub,  and Trash It or Treasure It.  
(See Brocante Home link, listed on the right hand side below.)

But my attention span seems to be shrinking these days for anything longer than a paragraph, so I needed to simplify.  Thanks to Pinterest, browsing the internet, and a bit of thought, I came up with a short list which I jotted down in the calendar book I purchased in January.  

Monday through Saturday I've listed no more than four taks to accomplish each day.
When I'm feeling frazzled or wondering what to do next, a quick look at the book puts me back on track.

Easy Peasy.

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