Monday, December 2, 2013

A Monday Memory....

Do you hear what I hear......

This morning I put on some of my parents' old Christmas albums, which had been safely residing in their living room stereo for many years.  And with the first song, I felt transported back in time to the 1960's, a young girl once again, who was eagerly awaiting December 25th.

The album Christmas in New York  was always the first record to be placed on the turntable.  The voice of Kate Smith would fill the room as she sang "Silver Bells," officially marking the beginning of our family's Christmas season. My brother, sister and I would then make several trips up and down the basement stairs, carefully balancing the precious boxes which held our decorations.  The tabletop Christmas tree, with its miniature candle lights, which had belonged to my Dad's mother, would be carefully placed upon the hall dresser. The Nativity stable would be gently pulled from its orange cardboard box and placed on the stereo top.  Each figurine would then be gently unwrapped from their tissue paper cocoon in the brown square box and arranged just so within the stable.  The Wise Men would find themselves several feet away, in preparation for their long journey, which would unite them with the others on the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6th.

These memories came flooding back this morning while I set about placing some of the familiar decorations I've accumulated since I married.  Finding just the right spot for them in this new house is a bit challenging.  At the same time, those treasures of my childhood are also being placed in new surroundings this year.  But the sweet memories they evoke, of the family I grew up with or of the little family the Englishman, our three daughters and I became, remain unchanged.
Precious gifts - tucked away deep in my heart -
which I will draw on during the next several weeks, as well as for many years to come.

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