Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Fotos....

Roses bursting forth - note the large visiting Basset Hound, Barney, against the fence!

 My Basset, Bentley, sneaking underneath....

Front of house window boxes

Roses, flowering thyme, daylilies reaching for the sun....

Lovely lavender about to flower....

Newest rose bush, "Stormy Weather," by the front door, giving off the most glorious scent as you enter and exit!

Wishing everyone a sunny and serene weekend.  

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads - 
most especially my wonderful Englishman!

And a very Happy 3rd Birthday 
to our darling granddaughter, C - on Sunday!


  1. Beautiful flowers and a very cute granddaughter. Glad to see sunshine somewhere. It was a very drab, dreary and gray week in NYC. Except for the NY Rangers Blue everywhere. Summer is only a week away!

  2. Thank, Matt! Enjoy the weekend and Father's Day!
