Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday Fotos....


We've been able to create a special corner of the garden, filled with memories.

The large photos of our precious granddaughters, printed on metal sheets, 
are an early Christmas gift to me from the Englishman. 
I see them each time I look at the back window or sit at the dining table.
And they make me smile every time!

The two slates in the forefront are from my parent's front stoop 
of the house I grew up in and my daughters also know so well. 
Many a trick or treater has stepped upon them in happy anticipation of some candy.

The grey stone to the left, is one my Dad especially chose for a fountain he built for my mother outside her kitchen window.  I can still see him describing to me how the water would be able to cascade down through the "fingers" on the front of the stone.
I think of him every time I shower the top of it with the hose.

The buoy on the top left is from one of the Englishman's boats, aptly named "Early Riser."

The lighthouse is appropriate, since I can see "Old Barney" in the far off distance, from our street.

And the watering can reminds me of a photo depicting my first attempts at gardening as seen below.
Just as in my garden, my parents planted pansies outside their living room front window.

Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend, 
filled with happy memories!

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