Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tip for a Tuesday....

Did you know....

Do you own an iPhone? I do and I did not know this!  There is a map inside the phone which records everywhere you go, including the date and how long you are there.  Scary.

The Englishman discovered an article concerning this in The Daily Mail from England.  Here is a portion of it and the link:

"It is perhaps no secret that mapping services in your phone have long been able to identify where you're going and record how often you go there.
But it will perhaps come as a shock to Apple users to discover that their phones are actually plotting that information on an actual map that they can access.
Even more shocking, when you actually open that map, is how much information your device is secretly collecting on you - including the date and time of your visits to particular locations, and how long you stayed there for each time.

Perhaps more troubling is the prospect that anybody who steals or finds the phone will be able to access it and then use it to find the victim's home address - before going there to steal more."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3318645/The-creepy-hidden-map-inside-iPhone-records-disable-it.html#ixzz3rlK6Rtjt

I immediately changed the setting on my phone.  The directions given in the article are different to what I found on my device, so I've listed the steps I took:

Go to:  Settings -- Privacy -- Location Services -- PRESS: OFF

Easy Peasy!

* If you have teenagers or young kids using an iPhone, you may want to keep this feature "ON" - so you would know their movements or could locate them in an emergency.  

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