Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday's Wisdom....

I've been following "The Inspired Room" blog for a while now. 
 The attraction to the site was that it is about organizing and simplifying life.  
Who couldn't use more of that, right?

Recently, I went on Amazon to check out the author's latest book.  
While skimming the pages of the sample offered, I came across the following:

"In order to manage my home and get control of my stuff, I didn't needed to work harder or stay up later.  I didn't necessarily even need a better household organization manual.  I simply needed to start becoming more decisive about everything." ~ Melissa Michaels

".....becoming more decisive about everything."

And the light went on!!!

I don't know about anyone else, but I've realized lately that a huge source of my stress is the sheer number of decisions I make each and every day.  Think about it.  From the choices about what time to get up, what to wear, what to eat, what to read, what to deal with, what to ignore - the list is endless! And the number of choices for each item seems to be growing daily.

Back in the old days... I think our choices were fewer.  Coke or Pepsi.  Keds or P.F. Flyers.  Wrangler or Lee.   Seven television channels.  Just seven.  I think you get the picture.

The number of choices available to me each day can seem overwhelming.  And like many people, I'm sure, I want to make the right choice.  The perfect choice.  Which also adds to my stress level.

What to do?
Well, I've started by buying Melissa's book.  I'm halfway through and I have found there are "life lessons" sprinkled through her concrete suggestions which I plan to incorporate.  And I've also been working on finding and making note of products that I like and will stick with.  

Fewer decisions. Less stress.

I'm also working hard at simply making decisions and moving on. 
"Good enough" is acceptable to me at this stage of my life. 
 Time spent worrying about and postponing decisions is wasted time.

And now I've decided this post is long enough.  Thanks for listening!

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