Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wednesday's Wisdom....


"routine - a sequence of actions regularly followed" - as defined in the dictionary.

Creating and maintaining routines was instilled in me in the home I grew up in, and then was reinforced during my years spent in Catholic School. 

Following certain patterns each morning and evening brings structure, a sense of control, and peace to my days.

Too many decisions - even those as simple as "what am I going to wear today" can twist me in knots.

I still lay my clothes out the night before (after checking in with my Alexa about the weather report.) This practice began when I was five, continued all through my early years in school, into college and beyond. 

Laundry is done on Monday and Friday, the mail is sorted and dealt with when it arrives, I tidy the kitchen every night, put out the trash and replace the used dish towels with fresh ones.

Am I flexible? Sure.
But for the most part, many of my daily activities are on "automatic pilot" which then frees my mind and eases my stress.

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