Thursday, August 31, 2017

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wednesday's Wisdom....

"No matter how old we are, we need to know that the people who are important to us really do care about us. But feeling good about who we are doesn't come just from people telling us they like us. 

It comes from inside of us: knowing when we've done something helpful or when we've worked hard to learn something difficult or when we've 'stopped' just when we were about to do something we shouldn't, or when we've been especially kind to someone else. 

Along with the times we're feeling good about who we are, we can experience times when we're feeling bad about who we are. That's just part of being human."

The World According to Mister Rogers ~ Fred Rogers

Some of the most rewarding experiences in my teaching career were observing a student's "aha moments".  Times, as Mr. Rogers points out, when a student finally understood a new math concept, passed a really difficult test or made a classmate smile.
  During my talk with parents on Back to School nights I would encourage them to allow their children to find their own answers, to struggle if need be and not to take on their child's homework as their task. I didn't want them to rob their kids of the excitement and pride in doing things for themselves.
Yes, they will fail, they will be hurt.  But they will also succeed, feel proud and be excited that they did something - all by themselves.
"That's just part of being human."
True for all of us - from toddlers to seniors citizens.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday Fotos....

Befores and afters....

Brighter, lighter and more inviting!

Wishing everyone a bright and light weekend!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thursday's Thought for the Day....

"There is a way of sitting quietly and beholding nature that is a form of meditation or prayer ~ and, like those healing acts, it calms the spirit."
Diane Ackerman
"The Deer in Springtime"; Sharing The Journey

Friday, August 18, 2017

Friday Fotos....

Look who came for an overnight visit yesterday.
Little Miss is reading the appropriate story for a rainy day such as this.

Wishing everyone a safe and drier weekend!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Thursday's Thought for the Day....

"People say a lot of things in anger. 
It's up to us whether or not to listen."
Mrs. Potts ~ "Beauty and the Beast"

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Thursday's Thought for the Day....

"Of course we're allowed to be angry. We just shouldn't stay stuck in anger; otherwise it stops being justifiable anger and becomes bitter resentment, which is a kind of cancer of the spirit."
  _ Madeleine L'Engle
  from: Sharing the Journey,  "Too Obvious to Forget"

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Wednesday's Wisdom....

A friend shared the fourth paragraph below with me the other day, after I had quoted a saying which goes something like, "90% of what I worry about never happens.  See - worrying works!!" I grew up with the notion that if I worried about someone or a situation, at least I felt as if I was doing something about it.  Now, I know that really isn't true, but some habits of mine are automatic and I continually need to work on them.  Like worrying.  So I "googled" the info shared with me and found the following source.  I pass it on just in case one of you is a fellow worrier!

"The Fog of Worry (Only 8% of Worries are Worth It) Article by: Earl Nightingale
According to the Bureau of Standards, “A dense fog covering seven city blocks, to a depth of 100 feet, is composed of something less than one glass of water.” So, if all the fog covering seven city blocks, 100 feet deep, were collected and held in a single drinking glass, it would not even fill it. And this could be compared to our worries. If we can see into the future and if we could see our problems in their true light, they wouldn’t tend to blind us to the world, to living itself, but instead could be relegated to their true size and place. And if all the things most people worry about were reduced to their true size, you could probably put them all into a drinking glass, too.

It’s a well-established fact that as we get older, we worry less. With the passing of the years and the problems each of them yields, we learn that most of our worries are not really worth bothering ourselves about too much and that we can manage to solve the important ones.

But to younger people, they often find their lives obscured by the fog of worry. Yet, here’s an authoritative estimate of what most people worry about.

Things that never happen: 40 percent. That is, 40 percent of the things you worry about will never occur anyway.
Things over and past that can’t be changed by all the worry in the world: 30 percent.
Needless worries about our health: 12 percent.
Petty, miscellaneous worries: 10 percent.
Real, legitimate worries: 8 percent. Only 8 percent of your worries are worth concerning yourself about. Ninety-two percent are pure fog with no substance at all."

Source: The Essence of Success by Earl Nightingale. Edited by Carson V. Conant."

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Tip for a Tuesday....

LOVE THIS!!!!!!!  If you see a car weaving back and forth, and suspect the driver is either using their cell phone or is impaired due to alcohol/drugs, you can do something about it - using your hands free phone or with the help of a passenger in your car: 

From the New Jersey State Police:

"If you see a driver you believe is posing a hazard because of poor driving behaviors, please call the aggressive driver tip line from a hands-free mobile device to report it by dialing #77. Be ready to give a description of the vehicle and occupants, a location and direction, and a license plate if possible."

A part of a State Police Facebook page post: August 2, 2017

Friday, August 4, 2017

Friday Fotos....

"Hummingbird don't fly away fly away...."

We are blessed to have several hummingbirds frequenting our feeder all throughout the day. They are amazing creatures to watch!

This particular feeder affords the tiny visitors the ability to pause if they so wish while feeding. I simply add 1/4 cup of sugar to 1 cup of boiling water, stir, let cool then "Bob's your uncle" - the birds are fed!
Wishing one and all a safe, sunny and peaceful weekend!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Wednesday's Wisdom....

I can honestly say I've made a conscious decision to do several of these "things" and it has made a huge difference in the level of my serenity!! Four, seven, twelve, fifteen, eighteen....
Source: Pinterest

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Tip for a Tuesday....

A friend recently passed on an article from the website listed below.  I found the information quite useful.  In examining the site further, I discovered numerous articles and links which may be helpful to others. 
The author is Eric Barker and this is a book he has written. I've not read the book, but did sign up for his weekly newsletter.

Here is the website link: (copy and paste)