Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thursday'sThought for the Day....

I've read several articles in which the question is asked, "Look back and find the age at which you were happiest." Many responded, as did I, "age ten." When I think about it, I can see why. At that age I was able to do many tasks independently, had few responsibilities other than doing my homework, tidying up my room and helping around the house and few decisions to make. I loved my family, our dog, and had a best friend whose house I could ride my bike to. I enjoyed school and my ballet classes. I loved spending time in the woods behind our house. Overall, I would describe myself as feeling very lucky!

For many of us, I suppose, these were the days before we were aware that there were problems outside of our personal worlds, before there was "bullying" from our peers, and comparisons as to who had what. 

It is suggested that during times of stress, we look back and try to rediscover those things which made us happy at that age. For me, it's being outside in the garden, reading novels, taking walks, bike riding, eating comfort foods from my childhood and taking a huge step back from the world that exists outside of my world. 

How about you? 

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