Monday, December 28, 2020

A Monday Memory....

This is a very old photo of my Dad's Shop Class, probably around 1929, taken at the high school he attended in Brooklyn, NY. My Dad is the young man resting his arm on the cedar chest he had just completed. He gave the chest to my Mother when they married, nearly 20 years later. Storing many precious items, including our Christening outfit, tiny sweater sets and baby blankets, it held pride of place in my parent's bedroom until my Mother passed away. I can still remember the scent of cedar every time the lid was lifted and the feeling of being on a treasure hunt to see what lay beneath the carefully folded layers of tissue paper. Utilizing the skills he learned in Shop, my Dad would later build tables, cabinets, desks, a marionette puppet stage and a huge tree house for his kids to play in.

If I were put in charge of Education, Shop Class would be a required course for all students. Imagine the sense of pride one would feel making something with their own hands and knowing how to do repairs. Oh, and I would also reinstate Home Economics Class for all. Though I may have groaned at times in that class, I still incorporate many of the techniques Mrs.P taught us for cooking and sewing. 

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