Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday's wisdom....

Bank it.....

If I've learned anything over the years, it's that I need to keep a personal sort of "bank" in which I store some very important supplies.

Things like: extra sleep, good nutrition, chats with girlfriends, watching the sunset and reading for an hour. Life will inevitably throw some unexpected curves my way.  If I have banked those items that are necessary to maintain my coping skills - and sanity - then I can better handle the surprises that come along.

Like a phone call (years ago) which instantly summons my spouse to a meeting - overseas - during a holiday weekend.  Or when one of my young daughters, happily playing with her toys just a few hours earlier, suddenly spikes a fever of 104 degrees.  Or recently, staying up all night, texting back and forth with my girls while watching the news, in order to lend support to my worried family members.

I no longer think of it as selfish to be sure I take time for a few wants, in addition to my basic needs. That way, when life gets turned upside down, I'm a little more prepared to handle it  - without wishing I could hop in my mini and motor off into the sunset......

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