Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday's Thought for the Day....

"This week we mark the 13th anniversary of the one of the worst days in American history, the day we have come to know by two numbers: 9/11. Memories of that day may have faded for some, but for those of us who were in the Northeast that day it will never be forgotten. All of us who were here seemed to know someone who died or lost a close relative. My family was among the lucky. My brother had been in the Pentagon the day before the attack in the very room where the plane hit.

We lost contact for four hours with my younger daughter in New York. But she was eventually found safe.

I knew 11 people who died or lost close relatives that day, including a young colleague at CBS News, who lost her dad.

So forgive me if I feel a certain urgency about the current terror threat, forgive me, but I've been through this before. No, I can't forget the bad but I can also remember the good, how an awful day brought Americans together as they had not come together since World War II, how road rage disappeared the next day as people waved and honked.

We had all gone through it together.

Most of all I remember the heroic firefighters and police officers putting their lives at risk to save the innocent and Congress putting aside partisanship, at least for a little while and singing "God Bless America" that night on the Capitol steps.

In the end it brought out the best in us, which hadn't happened in a while but it was a hard way to do it and we owe it to each other never to let such a thing happen again.

Forgive me, but I've been through this before."
Bob Schieffer
CBS News

I was moved by Bob Schieffer's comments on his Sunday morning show. The memories have not faded for my family either. We too, remember the good that was brought out in people at that time following the horrendous acts of terror on 9/11.

I agree, that there is a "certain urgency about the current terror threat."

My thoughts and prayers are for those that perished that day, their families and friends.
For my Englishman, who lost too many friends in the World Trade Center.
For the police, firefighters, and other first responders.
For the individuals who did whatever they could 
in the days, weeks, and months that followed, 
to help in any way that they could.

And for the members of our Military and Security Agencies
 who literally put their lives on the line in order to keep us safe here at home.

My family and I will never forget.

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