Monday, February 4, 2019

A Monday Memory....

Actually, I think it was more like the late '50's and '60's when "Going To School..." happened. Generally, when there was less than 6 inches of newly fallen snow. 

Hence the need for the snow boots. 
These were the types of boots the boys wore, while the girls sported ones like the red below. Mine were white as I recall. You pulled them on over your shoes. And the open tops would inevitably let in the snow when I would venture out after a heavy snowfall. So my Dad, ever the one to come up with a solution, used to actually wrap black electrical tape around the tops of the boots to seal them against my ankles. Not at all attractive, but worked like a charm!!

Then, the fashions changed and we graduated to this type - which didn't require your shoes being inserted. 
However, they did require you to remember to put your school shoes in your book bag so you could change after negotiating your way into the school building. And if you forgot them? You had to wear your boots all day, despite the fact that they made your feet sweat. 

Anyone else recall having to line their boots up in the hallway at school? We had a separate "boot monitor" who was tasked with making sure all the heels of the boots were snugly pressed up against the wall and all the boots were packed tightly next to each other. With an average of 48 students a class, the hallways would be framed with rubber sentries from end to end.

Those were the days....

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