Thursday, March 25, 2021

Thursday's Thought for the Day...

When I taught Third Grade, I had this posted on the back wall of my classroom. On the first day of school each year, I would ask the students if they understood what it meant. Few hands went up. So I would give examples such as would you want someone to help you if you fell down, share their snack if you didn't have one or ask you to play a game with them at lunchtime. 
Several students would nod their heads.
Then I would ask how they would feel if 
someone made fun of them,  tripped them as they walked down the aisle, or didn't include them in a game or an invitation to a party.
Many hands would then go up and share what that would feel like.

Now imagine what the world would be like if everyone actually did this. If before we act or speak or write a comment, we thought

"Would I want someone to say or do this to me?"

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