Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wednesday's Wisdom....

Ever heard that saying, "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me."  I'll be honest, that is how I feel in regards to the "Global Warming,"now "Global Change" we keep hearing about these days.

Anyone else old enough to recall the  so-called "Energy Crisis" of the early '70's?  When they, the government and experts told us that the world's oil supply would be completely depleted in fifty years.  The years when gasoline was rationed.  Depending on the numbers on your license plate, you could only purchase gas if it were an odd or even number day.  And only if you had less than half a tank.  And waited, literally hours and hours on line at the gas station.  And no more washing of your windshield or checking your oil.

The speed limit was dropped nationwide on all highways to 55.  Everyone was admonished to conserve energy!!  Turn off the lights in your home, don't use your car unless absolutely necessary, carpool, lower your thermostat, and on and on.

In December of 1973, my parents drove my sister and I from NJ to Chicago for my brother's wedding.  My Dad had a spare can of gasoline in the trunk, in case we were unable to refuel and ran out of gas so we wouldn't be stranded.  I'll be honest, we were all frightened that he had to do that. Also, there was not a single Christmas light, or any outdoor lights, lit that year anywhere we drove.

And then suddenly, after a couple of years of this, after the price of gasoline skyrocketed, things went back to "normal."  You could buy gas, put your lights back on, turn up the heat on a frosty morning and all was well again in the world.


So you'll forgive me if I don't jump on this "Global Change" bandwagon.  Because this all sounds too familiar to me.  This is my personal opinion.  I have not done extensive research of either argument of the story, and quite frankly, I don't intend to in the future.  Because I'm tired of hearing about it.

I have continued many of the practices we started back in the '70's - turning off lights when I leave a room, recycling as much as I possibly can, not using the car unless I need to, etc.  Because it just makes sense to do so.  Yes, I think if we all did our part it would help this planet we live on.

Oh, and one more thing while I'm ranting today.  Don't get me started on the ridiculous notion that Global Changes have caused the current rise in terrorism.  I do not believe that a bunch of thugs, who behave worse than a pack of vicious animals, are doing so because of a lack of rain or money, or rising temperatures where they live.

I'm just sayin.....

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