Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday's Wisdom...

Weight loss....

Oprah Winfrey has been in the news lately for losing 26 lbs using Weight Watchers and for making millions after purchasing 10% of the company in stock.

Oprah and I actually have a few things in common. We were both born in the same year and have both lost weight. (I've actually lost closer to 30 lbs. ) Sadly, we do not have similar bank accounts.

Why I am mentioning all of this? If, like Oprah and I, you too are looking to lose weight, I found I was able do it without going to Weight Watchers or purchasing special meals or stock in a company. 

The plan? The Englishman and I began with cutting out sugar from our diet.  And not just the teaspoon I would put into my teacup.  We read labels - noting sugar content on every item from milk to bread to crackers and on and on.  I have been amazed at the number of food products that contain sugar!  

Yes, I've eliminated quite a few items from my daily menu.  No more ice cream, cookies, cake, creamer or packaged foods.  I'm also very careful about the amount of fruit I eat, which although it contains "natural" sugar, still has sugar.  

Like Oprah, we too eat bread everyday.  But most of it is made and baked by the Englishman, and does not contain sugar.

Making meals from scratch, with mainly vegetables and no chemical preservatives has made a huge difference too.

It took time, but it worked!!  Do I miss all the sweet treats?  Yes.  But hearing the doctor say she can remove the words "pre-diabetic" from my chart makes it all worthwhile!!