Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tip for a Tuesday....

See something, say something....

Last Wednesday I was so sorry to see on the tv news that two firefighters may have died while battling a historic nine alarm fire in Boston.  I then sat down at my computer, with hopes of finding more information online.  What I saw on Facebook brought me up short.

There was a post from Woman's Day magazine, stating that "thoughts" were with two celebrity families during this very difficult time.  Clicking on the link, I was shocked to see that they were talking about that Paltrow woman.

"Seriously" I shouted out. With all that is currently going on in the world, someone chose to single out this person as someone who needed our thoughts?  I was fuming!

At that moment I could hear the Englishman in my head, as he often suggests to me when I am upset about something - "If you feel that strongly about it you should say something."  So I did.

I immediately commented on the post, "Seriously?  If you are serious about this post I will no longer be subscribing to your publication."

Within minutes thirty four others posted similar reactions and I had five "like" on my post.  I then "shared" the post on my Facebook page.  Thirty minutes later, I saw that the post had been pulled from the site.  Good! Maybe whoever put it up in the first place got the message!

There are still 239 people missing from that Malaysia Airlines flight, thirty unaccounted for from the mudslides in Washington State and two heroic firefighters dead, and a yet a woman's magazine thinks we should spare our time and thoughts for a celebrity.  Outrageous!

So, what to do?  Besides putting up my comments, I have since unsubscribed to all communications and social media involving Woman's Day magazine.  In the grand scheme of things, I'm sure it won't impact their publication at all.  But it certainly made me feel better for having taken some action on the matter.

The Englishman is right - it is important to speak up when you feel strongly about things.  So that's my "tip" for today.  "Speak up and say something."  Perhaps it won't change anything, but at least, like me,  you'll feel better for having done so.

And who knows, maybe if more of us speak up, we can actually make a difference.

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