Monday, June 16, 2014

A Monday Memory....

Summer Reading.....

Did you receive a "Summer Reading List" when you were in grammar school?  They were handed out in our school on the last day of classes, with instructions to read at least five books on the list.

I clearly remember one summer's day, riding my bike to our local library. At that time, it was located in an old house with the children's section housed in the basement.  Descending the stone steps at the back of the building brought cool relief on that particularly hot day.  I roamed the stacks and finally settled on Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

The story held my interest from the very first page, and it is one I have returned to many times over the years. I've read other books in the series, but this has remained my favorite. 

When my girls were little, we celebrated the last day of school by heading off to a lovely children's book store, located nearby. We spent time perusing the titles, old and new, finding it hard to narrow down our selections to just a few.  All manner of topics were available, from fiction to nature to mystery.  I confess, I was as excited as they were to see what new treasures had been placed on the shelves.

I've set up a couple of reading spots in this house now for the grandchildren.  Books on shelves, in baskets, and behind tiny doors, are all waiting patiently for the wee ones to discover.

And I can't wait to share my favorites with them! 

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