Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday's Wisdom....

Today marks the first time my Mother is no longer with us to celebrate her birthday.  
She was absolutely thrilled last year when she turned 90! It was a milestone that she had looked forward to for many months. From the 18th of June on, she would use her age as an excuse to get out of doing things she didn't want to do.  "I'm ninety now," she would announce, as if that gave her a free pass for the rest of her life.

It broke my heart she only got to brag about that for two months.

My family and I were blessed to have shared many of her birthdays over the years.

I believe this was her 65th

And I know this was her 85th.
(She looks as though she hadn't aged a day between those decades!)

She loved roses and we gave her a few new bushes over the years.  Tending the seven rose bushes in my current garden brings me comfort and sweet memories of my Mother each time I "make sure to clip the rose back down the stem to where there are five leaves" - as she so carefully instructed me.

My Mother's pure joy of having reached 90 has been a powerful lesson for me. 
She has taught me that aging is something to be celebrated not mourned.

After all -
"Growing old is a privilege denied to many."


  1. Thanks for sharing this. What a blessing for you to have had someone who showed you that aging can be a time of celebration and not mourning. My sympathy to you today as you miss your mom. My daughter and your daughter are friends.

    1. Thank you, Dorothy. I have been blessed!
      As it happens, my daughter shared your blog with me last night. I agree with your feelings concerning cell phones!

  2. The sweetest memories are also the ones that break our hearts, aren't they? Happy Birthday to your mom in Heaven, where she still watches over and loves you.

    1. Thank you, Nancy! Nice to know I'm not alone - you understand how I'm feeling today, I know!
