Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tip for a Tuesday....

My Top 5 Tips for Christmas/Hanukkah Preparations

1. Keep a list.
Write down the gifts purchased in a notebook, under the recipient's name.
I've been writing in the same book since 1999.
I also noted teacher gifts and tips given out during the holiday season.

2. Wrap as you go along.
Try to set aside time and wrap a few gifts as you go.
Make note in your notebook where you have hidden them.
Trust me, you won't always remember where they are!

3.  Use an ironing board for a wrapping station.
I have found my ironing board to be the perfect height so as to eliminate back strain.
It also provides a solid surface on which to work.
I keep tape, scissors, ribbon, wrapping paper and tags next to it.

4. Shop early - preferably online - for discounts, while supplies are plenty.
Learned this lesson when we tried to buy birthday gifts for daughter #1's first birthday, which fell in January.  The toy shelves were practically bare.
I kid you not.

5.  Buy yourself a gift.
A wise woman gave me this advice over thirty years ago.
Be sure to get a little something for you- whether it be a bottle of sparkly nail polish, a new sweater or a glossy magazine.
While you're busy doing for others, it's important to also do something for yourself.
Why?  As the ad used to say, "Because I'm worth it!"  

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