Monday, August 27, 2018

A Monday Memory....

This little disaster was my first attempt at baking a favorite brownie recipe last week. 

As I finished stirring up the ingredients, something didn't look quite right to me, but I poured it in the pan, placed it in the hot oven and hoped for the best.  

Clearly, something was missing.

Now normally, I would feel like a failure and scrap the whole effort. But just then a memory came to mind.

Many years ago my parents' friend, "Auntie Kay" had come to our house to help celebrate an occasion for my brother. Since only parents could attend the actual event, due to large numbers of participants, my sister and I stayed home with Kay. For some reason, she decided it would be fun if we baked a cake for the celebration after. Well, the cake turned out about as good as these brownies. What shocked me was Kay's reaction. She laughed!! Can you imagine? If that had happened to my mother, she would have been very upset so to see someone find the humor in the situation was astonishing to me. 

I decided to follow her example and laugh it off. The Englishman encouraged me to try again if I felt so inclined. I did and I'm happy to report that the second batch was a success and enjoyed by all at our family lunch on Friday.

Oh - and the missing ingredient - was one cup of sugar. Silly me!!

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