Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday's wisdom....

I Can Do This!

People used to talk years ago about "playing tapes in your head" -  i.e. repeating certain words or phrases over and over, generally negative ones, to the point where you start to believe they are true. Things like, "I can't do that." or "Girls can't do that" or "I'll make such a mess of that". You get the picture.

I've come to learn over the years that I need to do two things.
One: Stop repeating those ridiculous statements!
Two: Admit that more often than not, it's more a case of "I don't want to do that" rather than "I can't do that."

My girls will tell you that our collective little mantra when they were growing up was:
We can do this!
And the more we said it, the truer it became.  

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