Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday's Tip for the Day....

A Wrapping Station

I know why Santa's pack, slung over his back, holds toys visible for all to see - 

they don't require wrapping!

Ever find yourself, as I have, behind a locked bedroom door, with packages strewn all over the bed, searching out that ever elusive roll of scotch tape?  Then maybe it's time for change.

After years of frustration and a sore back, I finally developed a wrapping station for myself:

My assembled supplies include:

  • storage boxes for ribbon, bows, tissue paper, tiny gift bags, tags
  • scotch tape in a weighted dispenser, scissors
  • canvas bags for storing wrapped gifts
  • paper bag for recycling bits
  • plastic garbage bag, hung on end of ironing board
  • "gift" notebook for writing down year, recipient and gifts; pens
After trial and error I finally discovered that an ironing board is the perfect height for wrapping and avoids back strain.  Due to the flight of daughter's from the nest, I am fortunate to have a spare bedroom in which to store all these items now.  Previously, I set up a temporary station in my bedroom.

I highly recommend wrapping a few items at a time, perhaps as you purchase them or they arrive via the UPS man.  Packing up the wrapped gifts in canvas bags not only keeps them tidy, it makes it quite easy to transport them to below the tree or your holiday destination.


  1. Jealous you have a room to store them in! I only have the basement which is why I probably won't be wrapping till Christmas Eve. I like the pressure
