Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wednesday's wisdom....

In the grand scheme of things, how important is it?

We had an absolutely wonderful Christmas Eve with all the family, followed by a special morning  Christmas Day, watching the wee ones come down the stairs and open their gifts from Santa.

During the past few days there were giggles which often turned to laughter, with tears streaming down our cheeks. There were truly priceless gifts exchanged - all given right from the heart.  Memories were made that I will cherish always.

And just as in homes around the world, there were items that were too small or didn't arrive in time. Dogs that took longer than usual to settle and children far too excited to sit any longer at the table. Place cards were twisted by tiny hands, as stains appeared on the cloth napkins. 

Did any of that matter?  Not one bit.
 We were together. That was all I cared about.

With everything that has happened in the world, our country, our state, our family, this past year - I've learned to pick and choose what matters and what to let go of.

The health and safety of those I love is of the utmost importance to me these days.
All the rest, as they say, is just stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent thought about the end of 2012 and a good plan for living in 2013.
