Monday, February 4, 2013

A Monday memory....

Earlier today I happened to drive down the main road off which my mother's house is located.  Just before her street, there is  was a beautiful old Dutch Colonial home, pictured here.

The house was recently up for sale and I was hoping whoever bought it would love the character and history of it, and want to maintain its charm while updating it.  Alas, it is not to be. The house is in the process of being torn down and sadly, large sections have already been removed. 

Many years ago, a friend and I were riding our bikes with our sisters past this very house.  The youngest in our group, Jane, turned her front wheel sharply and toppled over, skinning her knee badly.  A teenage girl who lived in the house heard her cries and came out to assist us.  Assessing the situation, she decided Jane needed immediate attention and invited us all into the house  Though sorry for the little one's misfortune, I was pleased with the opportunity to look around the house as we were led through several rooms before arriving in the cozy kitchen.  There, the young lady set about cleaning and bandaging the wounded knee. Once finished, we thanked the "nurse" for saving the day and were soon off again on our bikes.

Turning my head for a quick look at this charming place became second nature to me over the many years I've driven past.  I will miss it as I do so many other familiar landmarks that no longer stand in this part of the world.

Change is inevitable, I suppose.  But is bigger and newer always better?  I wonder.

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