Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday Fotos....

Here are a few things we've been working on lately....

Reading nook for the wee ones, tucked away in the upstairs hallway, outside the master bedroom.
The Englishman built the "house" cabinet for me many years ago.  I simply added the paint.

Sleeping Bassets.  Notice the new flag the Englishman got me?

Potting Shed with new coat of stain and new trim work around the door and windows, courtesy of the Englishman.
Clean sheets drying in the breeze.  Heaven to sleep on!

Lavender and pansies.  Pots were on sale at Rite Aid - group of 3 at 50% off.  Great deal, till I got them home and realized there were no drain holes. Englishman to the rescue!  With a fancy drill bit he was able to put in drain holes. Perfect!

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend - filled with sunshine and cool breezes!


  1. Looks wonderful. I'll have to come and visit sometime.

    1. There's that English sense of humour again.....

  2. Love that reading nook! And I've always wanted to hang my sheets outside!

  3. Thanks! I am pleased with how the Reading Nook is shaping up. I wished I could have hung the sheets outside when you and your sisters were growing up, but allergies were a consideration, so I had to use the dryer instead. But freshly laundered sheets, hanging on the line - lovely!
