Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday's Thought for the Day....

"Sometimes you just have to stand there and hurt."
Ann R.

My mother often had wise sayings to impart, which always seemed most appropriate for the particular situation I or others were struggling to cope with.
In light of her passing, this particular one of hers seems to address where I am at the moment.

I often heard her counsel other women to take time to acknowledge the pain they were in.  If necessary, she would advise, set a timer for ten minutes and allow yourself to really feel the feelings that are rising up inside of you.  Then, get up and get on with your day.

The Englishman has been encouraging me to take the time to grieve for all the good about my mother that I will surely miss.  While I would like to take the Scarlett O"Hara route and "think about that tomorrow" I know he's right. Postponing it will not make it easier.

So I will both listen to the Englishman and heed my mother's words - take ten minutes each day to let the hurt flow through me - then move on through my day.  Getting back to writing for this blog is a good beginning.

*I will be eternally grateful for all the love and support I have received from family and friends these past ten days.  It means more than I can ever express.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been reading your daughter's blog for years (and more recently yours too!) and I'm praying for your family.

    1. Thank you so much, Allie, for your message. I believe prayers help to give us the strength we need to survive these difficult times. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
