Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Here we go again.....

They're back!  Yes, the Basset Brigade has reunited and are in my charge for the week while the Englishman and daughter #1 are away on business.

Now, I would like to say that this is how we look as we walk down the road:

But alas, this morning, while attempting to "walk" the two most energetic of the group, we actually looked more like this:

You can't believe the strength inside these stubby legged dogs!  It took everything I had to keep from flying down the sidewalk and into the construction site at the bottom of the hill.  Good thing I didn't have on roller skates!

And now it is raining.  Pouring with rain.  So fingers crossed that all the pent up energy has been dispelled and we can get through till bedtime.  Six and a half hours from now.  Yes. Yes, I am counting......

But in truth, look at these faces.  How could I possibly ever get upset with them?  They are all so sweet, eager to please and simply wanting to be loved.  So I've decided it's ok if we don't accomplish anything today.  Some days are for just being with "my boys" and counting my blessings.  (Besides, I did get my "Grandmom" fix earlier this morning with snuggles with my granddaughters.  So, "I'm good" as they say.)



*Dudley and Bentley are the loves of the Englishman and I
*Barney and Oliver live with their Mommy, daughter #1

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