Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tip for a Tuesday....

Due to rather poor planning on every one's part, the months of October straight thru until the end of January are chock full of birthdays and holidays. When I married the Englishman, packages needed to be sent to England well in advance of Christmas and birthdays, so by necessity, I learned to plan, shop and mail with the appropriate customs forms early.  Very early.

As our family increased in size, so did the number of gifts needed to be purchased, wrapped and presented. In addition, I used to volunteer to pick up gifts for my mother or in-laws to give.  The list started to grow by leaps and bounds.  Fast forward a few years....

I remember, quite clearly, descending the stairs one Christmas Eve, with several packages in my arms and thinking, "I hope I haven't duplicated anything Santa is bringing."  Seriously.  No lie. I actually thought that.

It wasn't until I walked several more steps into the living room that I caught myself and realized what I had come to. That's what happens when you tell a story so often you start to believe it's true. Do you think perhaps I was feeling just a tad stressed?

So how does one keep from duplicating what Santa is bringing? Or keep track of all the dozens of gifts that need to be purchased and sent?  A small notebook!  It has been my lifesaver.

"The Notebook",  my gift version, hides out in my bedroom.  I mark the entries by year with each of our daughter's names.  I write down every gift I purchase for them, trying to do it as I buy them.  I note size and color, and particulars if it is part of an ongoing collection.  This has proved a huge help in seeing that the girls are fairly equal in what they receive.  In the back of the notebook, I have kept lists of teacher gifts, gifts for dance teachers, troop leaders, etc.  I also make note of tips for the UPS driver, hairdresser and sanitation collectors.  This has saved me a lot of time and worry each holiday.  No strain to remember, it's all in the book.

The notebook can also serve to prevent that dreaded scene in which you suddenly realize that there is a present missing, which must be still hidden somewhere in the attic or basement. I double check the notebook on Christmas Eve to be certain all gifts are wrapped and placed beneath the tree. Phew!

So that's my tip.  A notebook in which to keep track of gifts, sizes, color preferences, etc. Gift giving simplified!
Happy shopping!

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