Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tip for a Tuesday....

Lessons Learned from an October Snowstorm:

1. Sometimes, very rarely, the weather predictors actually get it right.

2. You can never have enough blankets.

3. Taper candles burn brighter than pillar candles.

4. You are blessed indeed if you have another residence to escape to.

5. Those who lived before electricity, indoor plumbing and heating have my undying admiration.

6. Always charge fully all electronics at the first hint of a storm.

7. Large cooler containers can hold an incredible amount of refrigerator contents.

8. Weather disasters can bring unforeseen gifts such as an impromptu sleepover with daughters and granddaughters.

9. Having a crocheting project already in the works helps pass the time and gives one a sense of accomplishing something.

10.Storms can instantly renew your sense of gratitude for even the smallest of blessings.

Hoping everyone made it safely through the storm!

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