Friday, July 6, 2012

Just a suggestion ....

The Englishman surprised me last Friday and asked if I would like to go the movies the next day.  "You want to go to the movies? On a Saturday? I inquired.  The number of years since he has been to the movie theatre are too numerous to count, so I really was taken aback by the question.  Past experience with unchaperoned screaming kids, patrons talking nonstop, and freezing conditions in the building, have put us off when it comes to movie going. I pointed out that it was a weekend and might be crowded.  He quickly replied that was doubtful, given the rising temperatures, and that everyone was probably heading for the beaches.

"What film did you have in mind for this outing? I asked.  The Englishman responded that he thought we should see the one with everyone we like in it, the one we've been wanting to see.  Ah, yes - the hotel one.  Fabulous idea!

Off we headed, late Saturday morning, for a walk up and down the High Street of a nearby town.  First order, lunch. We peeked at the menus posted outside several restaurants and finally decided upon an Italian one.  The food was.....OK.  Far too much garlic for my liking, so we skipped dessert. Instead we spent the few minutes we had before the movie starting time in a small bookstore.  It took hardly any coaxing at all from the Englishman for me to pick out a book for Little Miss, while he found one for C. Ah, Grandparenting!

Tickets purchased, we went into theatre #3, as directed by the tall young man at the door. The seats were comfy and adjustable.  I was pleasantly surprised to find the temperature to be just right, and was relieved I wouldn't need to search out the socks and sweater stashed in my purse. Just before the film began, we noticed there were only 5 other couples. We were the youngest.  Perfect movie viewing conditions! (The Englishman was right, again.)

I won't give you a "movie review" but simply urge you to go and see "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" either in a theatre or as soon as it is released to Netflix, Amazon, or beasts of that nature.  It is, quite simply, wonderful!

I've shared before that I keep several journal style books filled with quotes that "speak to me" as my daughters would say.  I wished I had a flashlight with me that day so I could take notes from some of the most heartfelt words I've heard spoken in some time.  I will have to wait till I can watch it on my computer and pause it every few minutes, so as not to miss a single phrase.

The actors in this film are among the very best I have ever seen.  Some may be familiar to you, especially if you watch English drama on PBS, including "Downton Abbey".  You know how with some films, as you watch you think, "oh yes, that's Julia Roberts" during most of it.  But these actors become the characters they are portraying.  It's marvelous!

The Englishman says the film is quite an accurate depiction of life in India, where he has travelled several times.  So why not think of the movie outing as a chance to travel there, without all the bother of luggage and security checks.

Whatever your plans this weekend, I hope you will have the blessing of air conditioning at your disposal.  I am most grateful to the people who invented it!

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