Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tip for a Tuesday....

Make a list....

Having a plan or a list of tasks to perform can bring much needed structure to my day.  I love to write a short list of jobs and enjoy the sense of accomplishment it gives me when I can check off "done".

Minutes before leaving the house this morning to babysit the granddaughters, I was trying to think of something special we could do that would capture M's attention as soon as I arrived.  Divine inspiration popped in my head and said, "make a list".

Ok, fine.  Make a list.  A list of what?, wondered I.  And then it came to me - let's make of list of things to look for.  What are M's favorite things in the world?  Animals.  So making a list of animals to find would be our task.

This is what I came up with:

I'm the first to admit it is a simple, childlike list.  Clearly I am no threat to the artistic community, though my dear son-in-law heaped loads of praise on my drawings, the rabbit in particular.

My idea was met with much enthusiasm from the girls and we set off in their double stroller for a walk. We did spot a squirrel, but after much looking about, did not see a bunny or bird on a lawn. You can't make it out, but M did scratch a few lines in the squirrel box with a pencil to show we had spotted one.

A few directions of "go left, now go right" from Little Miss, and I was persuaded to push the stroller along to Grandmom's house.  We only stopped for a few moments to see Grandad, as we spotted a few dark clouds and decided it was time to return home.

Our "special hunt" turned out to be a wonderful diversion for the girls and I.  We got in a nice walk, enjoying the "lovely breeze" as I kept calling it, and passed an hour's time.

It also made for a nice change from my usual set of lists, which often consist of:  wash the bathroom floor, change the sheets, dust and vacuum, pull some weeds, etc. etc. etc.

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