Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday's wisdom....

Just pass me by....
Spending a fair amount of time on the roads lately, while growing older (and hopefully wiser) every day, have brought me to a few conclusions when it comes to driving.

To put it quite simply:
It's pretty wild out there!

So, what to do?

First, I need to remain calm.  OK, at least calm-er than I normally am.

Second, if someone is tailgating me, whenever possible, simply pull over and let them go by. 
I frequently do this, actually, on both local roads and the highway.  It really lessens my stress level - even those times when I utter a few words under my breath as the offender flies past me.

Third, be aware of ALL the cars around me and assume that yes, they are going to cross three lanes without using an indicator or looking before crossing those white lines.

Most importantly:
Beware of drivers who are weaving!
They are either under the influence or using their cell phone. 
Despite the laws banning their use, numerous drivers still insist on texting or chatting while behind the wheel.  These drivers are not fully in control of their vehicles, so I need to give them a wide berth.
(A few years ago, I waved my hands at a young man on his cell phone, who was driving erratically in a supermarket parking lot and came much too close to my car.  After exiting his vehicle, he apologized to me, then continued, "But everyone does it, right?  You do it?"
I emphatically and truthfully replied, "No.  I don't."
He seemed quite surprised by that.)

Calm, yet defensive driving, sans cell phone use.  That's my style.
Or at least what I'm working towards....

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