Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tip for a Tuesday.....

"T" Time

There was a magazine article years ago in which someone famous was interviewed about her wardrobe.  For the life of me, I can't seem to recall who the woman was, but I do remember her saying that at every change of season there were particular items of clothing she made certain to purchase.  Among the most important staples she stocked were t-shirts.

That makes a lot of sense, I thought at the time.  T-shirts are extremely comfortable, easily washed and dried, and come in a variety of colors.  (My personal preferences are white, black, navy and gray).

As the seasons and my daily wardrobe change, I heed this advice and look to be sure I have an adequate supply of t-shirts.  Long sleeve t-shirts are in order for the Autumn and Winter months, but short sleeve ones can continue to serve a purpose year round.  They can be used for layering under other items of clothing, giving one that extra bit of warmth so vital here during the colder months.

T-shirts look fabulous with a blazer and trousers, as well as skirts, jeans, and sweats.  Throw a bright colored scarf around your neck and "Bob's your uncle", you look smartly dressed and ready to take on the world.

Once t-shirts have seen better days and are looking a bit drab, they can be relegated to pajama tops, before making their way to the cleaning closet for duty as dust rags.

All in all, from start to finish, I find t-shirts a worthwhile investment and solid staple in my closet.

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