Monday, August 27, 2012

How do they know?

No matter how stealthily the Englishman and I try to be, these two characters always seem to know when we are about to embark on a trip either to go to the beach or return back home. Every single time.

We've tried leaving our suitcases in the bedroom, out of their sight, until just before our departure. We've tried having one of us take them in the backyard whilst the other quickly hustles the cases and bags into the truck.  We've tried packing up the night before, then acting as though nothing out of the ordinary is happening.  We have even gone so far as to spell out our conversations as to what we are doing, in hopes that they won't figure it out.

But they are very clever, these Basset Boys.  As soon as one of them senses that motoring is in their immediate future, the crying begins.  First one, then the other.  There is no dissuading them.  Numerous occasions we have had to leave an hour or more before the scheduled time simply because they are so upset.

Yes, it can be annoying and taxing on the nerves.  Our biggest concern, however, is the toll it takes on Dudley, who suffers from Addison's disease.  Stress is a huge negative for him which is why we have been searching for ways to make the anticipation of an outing less distressful.

(Duds even knows when I'm writing about him!  He just came in my office to see me, which never happens.  He is the Englishman's constant companion during the day.  The dog's senses are incredible!)

Dudley immediately settles once he is in the truck, while Bentley sometimes takes a little longer.  Clearly, the problem is, as Carly Simon sings, "Anticipation".  I guess we will just have to continue to seek out solutions to the departure dilemma through trial and error. (How many of you now have that song in your head? Sorry!)


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