Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday's Thought for the day....

"On vacations: We hit the sunny beaches where we occupy ourselves keeping the sun off our skin, the saltwater off our bodies, and the sand out of our belongings."
                                                                                                                Erma Bombeck

Think about that.....she was right!  Kinda makes you wonder why we would go through all the work involved of getting out there on the beaches, only to start covering up and protecting ourselves from the very elements that draw us there in the first place.

The Englishman and I took a short drive "down by the bay" and the local public beach this morning.  Truth be told, I completely forgot it was there.  It's been quite some time since I searched out a beach chair, took to the sands and dug my toes in while taking a deep breath and enjoying the scenery.

Perhaps it's time to do that again.

Actually, the Englishman presented me with a travel mug of coffee early Tuesday morning after I had dressed for the day and suggested we pop in the mini and motor down to a tiny pier on the bay near our house. Fabulous idea! Off we went, delighted to find there was no one about, and we had the spot to ourselves.  It was so incredibly peaceful.  The sun glistening on the bay, Old Barney in the distance, the sounds of the seagulls calling out to each other.  Lovely.

In fact, so lovely, we did the same again this morning.  This time we were excited to discover a rather large school of fish, barely below the surface of the water, racing around as a group and scooping up breakfast.  The Englishman was able to capture a brief moment of their movements on his phone, which I emailed to the daughters.  Incredible.  Video.  On a phone.  But that's for another blogpost.

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