Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday's wisdom....

What's in a word?
Dozens of tiny papers, kept stuffed between the pages of my calendar book,  frequently drop out when I commence my daily "Gratitude List."  Last night I noted one slip of paper on which was written "the word ritual is within the word spiritual."  I believe it was from some notes I took while attending a woman's retreat day several years ago.  

The teacher in me turned to the Merriam-Webster dictionary online this morning and found this:

"2 ritual noun
: a formal ceremony or series of acts that is always performed in the same way

: an act or series of acts done in a particular situation and in the same way each time"

When I think about the numerous small "rituals" I perform, often on a daily basis, it makes perfect sense to me that those acts can be "spiritual" in a sense.  For me, there is a feeling of security and calm in repeating tasks which feed my "spirit" as defined, again, by Merriam-Webster:

1spir·it noun \ˈspir-ət\
: the force within a person that is believed to give the body life, energy, and power

: the inner quality or nature of a person

These rituals can be simple, such as the routine I have after dinner.  After washing up in the kitchen, I head upstairs, pull down all the window shades and draw the curtains. Sort of like tucking the house in for the night.  Then slipping into pj's, washing my face and writing in my calendar book five things I'm grateful for that have happened during the day.

Growing up, my parents established many rituals for us - from watching the Jackie Gleason Show on Saturday nights while eating burgers and fries, to the daily routine of a summer's morning - cleaning up the house before packing up a picnic and heading out to the swim club.

I established little routines for my girls as they were growing up, as well as for my students when I was teaching Third Grade.  Doing small things in the same way, day after day, gave them something they could count on. Those rituals fed my spirit as well as my children's and students. 

My morning cup of coffee, writing this blog, lighting the candles at night....
All are rituals which are spiritual.  
And feed my inner calm.

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