Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday's thought for the day...."

"The nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens, but those that bring simple little pleasures, following one after another softly, like pearls slipping off a string."
  ~  Lucy Maud Montgomery

Today was one of those days which provided numerous simple pleasures....

It was just an ordinary sort of day.  I spent most of it cleaning bathrooms, dusting and vacuuming, and washing the dogs beds. I enhanced the experience by listening to music from an ipod, applying wax on the furniture that smelled of lavender and laundering with detergent that has a scent of lilac.  Do you think the dogs will notice?   

Speaking of the dogs, the Englishman did make me laugh this morning.  Looking out the window to the rear yard I waved at Dudley, our oldest basset hound who was sitting and looking towards the house.  Noticing what I was doing, the Englishman inquired, "Did he wave back?"

During one of my breaks to check my email and the latest "pins" on pinterest, I read on Facebook that there was one bit of exciting news.  It seems that Baby C, our youngest granddaughter, is now officially crawling!  The Englishman suggested she be given a map to Grandmom's house.  I concur!  But while I am delighted for Baby C and her new found freedom, I fear her mother's life is about to change dramatically now that both her little girls are mobile.

After a restorative cup of tea, thanks to the Englishman, I am finishing up the last of the days tasks and feeling a sense of accomplishment.  It has been a good day. At this stage of my life, I don't need exciting or fireworks.  Simple pleasures are true gems  indeed.

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