Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday's thought for the day....

"Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened?" - Cora Harvey    (

On a rainy, raw day such as this, I thought it would be good to have a laugh.  I found this quote in my "Book of Quotes" notebook.  (I did a search so I could accurately note where the quote comes from.  Wouldn't want to break any copyright laws or anything!)

Then I thought, wait, I am an older person wondering what has happened.  And some days, it's not funny.

My mother, who is now 88, always seemed surprised by her age as we, her children,  were growing older. She used to say she certainly didn't feel that old, at least inside.  Now I know what she is talking about!  In my head, I'm about 23.  I recently told the Englishman that I have to be careful to remember my actual age, lest I start to do cartwheels or some other foolish thing while playing with the grandchildren. I doubt my family would find it funny if I broke a bone while trying to keep up with the little ones.

So if you are truly a "younger person" - enjoy it!  Trust me, the time starts to go ever so quickly once you pass fifty.  And if, like me, you are "older", I'll keep your secret if you'll keep mine.

What's that other saying, "You're only as old as you feel!"?  I'm going with that.

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