Friday, April 27, 2012

Before and After....

This was a corner in the back yard of our primary residence.  Clearly, the fence in the background is starting to fade.  It was angled close to the back door, with an extra tall section, designed to keep "patients" from overlooking the owners back yard when entering what was, years ago, a chiropractor's office.

This is how it looks today.  The new fence was brought forward and is regulation size.  It has opened up that section to more sunlight.  I think the added air circulation around several of the plants will aid in their growth.  

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.  With the wind blowing so strongly out there, I half expect to look out the window and find Mary Poppins descending with her umbrella and carpet bag.
That would be nice.  My house could certainly do with a good tidying.  And I wouldn't say no to a "spoonful of sugar".