Monday, April 16, 2012

Way too soon.......

Okay, whoever has been praying for hot weather - STOP IT !  It is WAY too soon for this.
(I suspect my middle daughter, sun worshipper that she is)

Yes, it was nice to "motor" around in my Mini Cooper with the top down this afternoon.
But it is only April.

Bassets are panting and flowers are drooping.

Let's hope sanity and cooler weather return soon.

And a large dose of rain would not go amiss either.

Late this morning I went into the Englishman's office and stated that today I don't have a single problem."And why is that?" he inquired.  I proceeded to tell him about a link on twitter about a young soldier who has been wounded.  Army Staff Sgt. Travis Mills, of Vassar, Michigan stepped on an IED on April 10th during his third deployment in Afghanistan.  The twenty five year old underwent more surgery this morning for his injuries, in which he has lost both his arms and his legs.  His wife, four month old daughter and family are anxious for him to come home to the US, hopefully tomorrow, to begin the long process of healing.  There is a web page set up which gives more details:

I know that Travis is only one of hundreds who are severely wounded and battling to heal.  But something about his story touched me and I wanted to share it.

I'm a firm believer in the collective power of prayer.  So if you can find a few moments today or when you climb into bed tonight, let's all say a few prayers for Travis in gratitude for his service and in hopes that he can continue to draw on his obvious courage and strength, and the love of his family and friends, to heal and lead a full life.  

May God Bless him and all those men and women who have served and are serving our country.

1 comment:

  1. I heard about that soldier sad. And yes! I am LOVING this weather! It's like Florida all over again:)
