Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend....

It is said that Labor Day is the unofficial end of Summer. As far as the weather is concerned, I'm not at all unhappy to see this summer depart, taking with it the heat and extreme humidity I've tried to endure. The season started out in an amazing fashion with daughter #3's wedding. In the weeks that followed, there have been a host of sweet memories and laughs shared with the family, whether in person or via "group" texting.  (Those, actually, are hilarious!) Physically, I'm just a much happier girl when the Autumn breezes start to blow....

Growing up, Labor Day was the last weekend we spent at the swim club and the final day culminated in a barbecue with all the families we shared the sand with.  Then it was back in uniform and back to school.

In talking with my former roommate this weekend, I reminded her that it was 40 (whoa!) years ago this weekend that she and I first met, following a long car ride up north to my new life adventure at college.   D and I only roomed together two years before I transferred, but we stayed in touch and later shared an apartment for a year after graduation. Her parents house always felt like a second home to me, and I truly enjoyed visiting there with her Mom and Dad while we were at school.

Since those days, we have celebrated one another's weddings and the births of five daughters between us.  We are also godmother to the second of each other's girls.  We've spent hours together laughing and supported each other through some very trying life events.  No matter how long the stretch between phone calls or get-togethers, we seem to always pick right up where we left off, as though time has stood still.  Our lasting friendship has been a true gift in my life.

Although Labor Day signifies the ending of a season, it is often the start of a new chapter in life. Whether heading back to college, in the case of two of my nephews, or entering school for the very first time, as Little Miss will do next week, it is true what they say, "When one door closes, another one opens."

So farewell Summer.......and welcome Autumn, my favorite time of year!

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