Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday's Wisdom....

The thought struck me as I was driving back from dropping off Dudley's urine sample at the vet's earlier that I need to come up with some more definitive topics for my blog.  "Tip for a Tuesday, Thursday's Thought for the Day"......then I thought, "Wednesday's Wisdom".  Yes. I like the sound of that.  On Wednesday I will write about words of wisdom I have heard about, read about, learned about (sometimes the hard way), etc.

Oh, the urine sample?  Poor Dudley, who I've shared before has Addison's disease, had some questionable results from the urine test done at the time of his yearly check up.  The vet said they would need to run three consecutive tests and if they all showed the same results, Dudley would need yet more medication.  Test two was not good, so I needed to go back again with one more.  Ever try and get a urine sample from a dog?  Ah, now there's an experience.  Dudley may only be a dog, but he strongly objects to anyone venturing near certain parts of his body.  After my second attempt failed the Englishman had a "chat" with Duds and thankfully came back in the house with the needed sample.

Which, in a round about way, leads me to today's wisdom:  Be where your feet are.

I've been working very hard lately on remembering to be where I am and not be worrying about what may or may not happen later in the day, next week, or next year.  For instance: When I go to bed at night and the thoughts of dread and worry start to flood in about say, an upcoming physical.  I ask myself, "Where are you, right now?"  Simple answer - in bed.  "Are you at the doctor's office?"  Well, no.  So stop worrying and go to sleep.

Which is what I'm doing with Dudley's situation.  He may or may not be having another problem with his health at the moment.  Until the vet calls and confirms there is something we need to address, there is no sense in worrying or even thinking about it.

Until I am actually going through an experience, I don't need to live it in my head over and over.  Yes, planning is good and a certain amount of preparation is always necessary.  But how many times have I thought out a scenario in my mind, only to arrive at the actual event and have it be nothing like I thought it would.

Right now, I'm focused on writing today's post.  I'll deal with the laundry when I go downstairs.  I'll work on the bookshelves after that.  I need only experience where I am at any given moment.  The payoff?  Less worrying and actually noticing more of the good things that are happening - right where my feet are!

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